
Our Core Values

Safety is Always Priority

Exceptional People

Teamwork and Dedication

Growth Oriented

I started my career with Mayberry Electric as an Apprentice, and have been here for 13 years. I couldn't be happier. Now I get to lead the jobsite and our client deliverables while customizing a program for the Apprentices as they thoroughly learn the trade. I have a passion to see my Team grow. I tell my Team that they can set their own pace for learning, like I did when I first started with Mayberry Electric. Our goal is to proceed with excellence every day while we work as a Team and support each other as we get one step closer to finishing a space that people will enjoy for years to come.

Leo McCardel

Project Supervisor

I am a huge fan of the Team environment, and getting to work inside tenant spaces.

Avery Woods


I was introduced to Mayberry Electric at a job fair. That marked the start of a very interesting career. We get to see what people normally don't see. When people see a light, they don't get to see all the power like we do. My Supervisor, Leo, has been great. He is organized, structured, and in depth with his approach to teaching, while always keeping me safe. Leo puts his trust in me, which is something I value and appreciate.

Luke Aasen

1st Year Apprentice

A friendly and Welcoming workplace

Career Growth

Growth and experience go hand in hand

Benefits and Programs

Health Insurance

Health Insurance Fully Covered

Dental and Vision Fully Covered

Earnable Bonuses

Financial incentives for a job well done during the year

Career Advancements

As you grow in experience you grow within our company

Assistant Service Manager Program

Strong sales and people skills are neccesary

  • Ensures excellent customer service
  • Maintains relationships with customers